About Us

Mission Statement

To provide through education, for the benefit of the local group and community, an exciting and inspirational awareness of birds in particular and the conservation of the natural environment as a whole, to be achieved by a range of indoor and outdoor activities.

What we Do Indoors

Every third Monday from September to May at 7:30pm we meet either in The River Room or online via Zoom, to hear an illustrated talk on birds and wildlife by a carefully chosen expert in their field.
The Indoor page identifies each month if the meeting is in The River Room, All Saints Church, Sutton Courtenay, on line or both.
We also give out information on group outings and share sightings of interesting birds,
Refreshments are available and we take the opportunity to chat.
New friendships are soon made to bring added value to the evening.

What We Do Outdoors

Most months during the season we travel as a group to a well chosen reserve or bird rich place to see what birds and wildlife are about.
A leader is always present to help those of us less expert develop our identification skills.
A particular highlight is a weekend when we stay in a hotel somewhere in the UK together and visit all the nearby sites during the time we are there.


Want to know more?

You get free access to all the above for an annual subscription of just £15.00.
For futher information or to download an application form visit the Contact Us page.